Generation Metal Tour


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  • METALFORCE The documentary

    Dark Avenger - - News and Updates


    Real cool dokumentation and really interesting. The only problem is, that it is hard to concentrate on what they say, because of the music in the background.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    I really respect all those bands who give all their soul in their music, and in my opinion there exists to few of them out there.

  • Tabs

    Dark Avenger - - Majesty Talk


    Great thing, there are also bass tabes. Thanks Beav1s.

  • Merchandise

    Dark Avenger - - Majesty Talk


    I want a MetalForce-Shield belt buckle.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    Hey koitnreina. Did you get your album already?

  • There's nothing more that I can add to the reviews above. I only want to thank Hexo for organising the meet and greet, and I also want to thank the band for the great Release Party and for sharing with us so much time at the meet and greet.

  • Here's my own translation of the side of the bands who will play at the Maintauber Band Contest. Burnout Syndrom: What's coming out if you lock six musicians of differents genres in a cellar and you wait 1 ½ years? Right, Burnout Syndrom. A Mix of Jazz, Metal, Hardcore, Progressive and Hip Hop garnished with german lyrics is the first act of the Main-Tauber Newcomer Contest. inline1.jpg Krümeltod: The name is routine! Krümeltod (in english you can interpret it as crumbdeath) - Punk from Bad Merg…

  • Just saw this on the Bandcontestwebside: 1. (17.40 Uhr) Burnout Syndrom (mix of Jazz, Metal, Hardcore, Progressive and Hip Hop) 2. (18.15 Uhr) Krümeltod (Punk Rock) 3. (18.50 Uhr) Black Scepter (Thrash Metal) 4. (19.25 Uhr) Days Of Remind (Hardcore/ Alternative) 5. (20.00 Uhr) In Riot (Melodic Rock) 6. (20:35 Uhr) Ignorance (Metal) Here is the link to the side: There are also pictures and introduction of the bands. The Introductions are only in german.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    Patience, my young padawan. We have to wait for the next Dawnrider release.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    On MCF 2008 he said that first he want to make the Majesty (It was at the signing session, before he announced that Majesty no longer exists) album. Maybe after the release of the MetalForce album and after the tour, he will work on the new Dawnrider album.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    I think this will be one of the first questions I'll ask the band, if there will be a Question and Answer Session with the band.

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    Maybe it is like with Tom Hess. But maybe this guy played with MetalForce, because they needed a second guitar player for the Majesty songs, then maybe this guy will also play at the Release Party?

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    On the MCM Webside, there is something, that is really confusing me. There stands that there are only four bandmembers in the band and on the new pictures of the band there are also only four people on it, but on the Festival they were five. Are there now five or four bandmembers? Does anybody know? Link:

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    And I think this will be the Album Cover:…1fe587c9cb659a29dcdc4fdbc

  • MetalForce - New Album

    Dark Avenger - - Releases and Review


    This I found on Liner Notes: 1. "Faster, Louder, METALFORCE" is a fast anthem about the heavy metal way of life. The pounding bass drums stir the blood and wake the soul. 2. "Freedom Warriors" made its debut on the Magic Circle Festival II DVD. It showcases the power and might of METALFORCE. It is destined to be a hymn for the true, honest and dedicated warriors of metal worldwide. 3. "I Rule The Night" is about a betrayed leader who is seeking revenge and a chance to win h…

  • Metalforce on TV

    Dark Avenger - - Movies


    Yes, that's right. The others are Christian Muentzner (lead guitar), Björn Daigger (rythm guitar) and Markus Bielenberg (bass guitar). They also played at the first MetalForce gig on the MCF08.

  • Metalforce on TV

    Dark Avenger - - Movies


    Thank You, you're welcome!

  • More pics of the MCF are on

  • Metalforce on TV

    Dark Avenger - - Movies


    Again for everybody who does not understand German. I hope that I wrote in an english, that everybody understands. First Tarek introduces Majesty. He says:"We play True Heavy Metal. Everybody who likes Heavy Metal likes Majesty. We love our fans, we love our music, we are Heavy Metal." Then the interviewer askes what has changed after their breakthrough. Tarek says that they are getting more and more fans, that Majesty gets louder and that they are having more material for songs. They are trying…

  • Thanks. It was really great to meet you too. I'm looking forward for the MetalForce Concert, where I hopefully meet more people from the forum. To bang my head and to make a photo at the same time was very difficult, but I did my best, and some of the photos are quiet good.

Generation Metal Album